About The Silk Road
Human beings have always moved from place to place and traded with their neighbors, exchanging
goods, skills and ideas. Throughout history, Eurasia was crisscrossed with communication routes and paths of trade, which gradually linked up to form what are known
today as the Silk Roads; routes across both land and sea, along which silk and many other goods
were exchanged between people from across the world. Maritime routes were an important part of this network, linking East and West by sea, and were used for the trade of spices in particular, thus becoming known as the Spice Routes.
These vast networks carried more than just merchandise and precious commodities however: the constant movement and mixing of populations also brought about the transmission of knowledge,
ideas, cultures and beliefs, which had a profound impact on the history and civilizations of the Eurasian peoples. Travelers along the Silk Roads were attracted not only by trade but also by the intellectual and cultural exchange that was taking place in cities along the Silk Roads, many of which developed into hubs of culture and learning. Science, arts and literature, as well as crafts and technologies were thus shared and disseminated into societies along the lengths of these routes, and in this way, languages, religions and cultures developed and influenced each other.
‘Silk Road’ is in fact a relatively recent term, and for the majority of their long history, these ancient roads had no particular name. In the mi nineteenth century, the German geologist, Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen, named the trade and communication network Die Seidenstrasse (the Silk Road), and the term, also used in the plural, continues to stir imaginations with its evocative mystery.