
About The Third Culture - Abu dhabi Book Fair 2019

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts welcomed us at our first day by saying:
“The University is Arts, all others are professions and vocations ...    We used to repeat this phrase to our colleagues who were sworn in front of us with their white coats, proud of their study of medicine or chemistry, no one at that time argued with us about the huge gap between the two areas of human knowledge: applied sciences such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc., and human studies like philosophy, literature, history and theology. Snow launched the word culture for both fields and argued that “he who believed in a sole culture knew nothing,  or barely did, about the other culture. The title of the encyclopedic intellectual, as Snow sees it, has been shortened by the culture of human studies and became a domain, while the term should not be limited to incorporate knowledge of applied science culture only. Snow considered it shameful that an intellectual reading books of philosophy and social sciences lacks awareness of the simplest laws of physics and genetics. Snow was the harbinger of a third culture that will minimize this gap between the two cultures, and all members should adopt the principles and the
knowledge of each culture of the opposite team and make this knowledge a necessity rather than a luxury.
In the early 1990s, Brockman continued the dialectic of the “Third Culture”, taking Snow’s compilation to another definition of this culture. Brockman believes that it will not only reduce the gap between the two cultures but also will replace them and present a new alternative to both. In his argument, Brockman cited by mentioning the widespread of science and knowledge in addition to simplifying scientific language so that the vast majority
can understand and follow-up the purposes of applied sciences such as physical systems, genetic engineering and others. Brockman launched a new generation of humans on the third generation of culture. But most of his portrayals of such humans were scientists who belonged to the side of applied science culture and had the essentials of human studies, not vice versa. Today we have crossed the third millennium to wonder about the 3rd culture.